Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Worm in my stomach

I'm not sure what it is about receiving reviews that destroys my innards, but whenever I get that e-mail notification saying I've got a new review, my stomach just about explodes.  I guess it could be because I'm still just an amateur writer (I don't think I'll ever consider myself a true author until I see others discussing my books on their own), or I guess it could be because a part of me still doesn't have any confidence in my ability to construct a narrative (I still hate chapters 1-3).  Whatever the case, those few mouse clicks before seeing my score are absolute torture.  I almost feel like vomiting.  A few days ago, I was having a particularly bad day at work and seeing the notification didn't help anything.  I might actually have to start taking some Alka-seltzer with me or something.
Well, it ended up being a 5-star review, prompting me into a Michael Jordan-esque leaping punch.  The euphoria only lasts so long though.  It's not that I crave more 5's.  What I really crave is more opinions in general.  What did people not like?  What did they love?  I just want to know what people think, whether it's bad or good.

And last night I found out that my Adwords campaign is actually paying off.  Apparently, it's the primary driver for all my Smashwords traffic.  I would divert to the Amazon page (the kindle conversion is overwhelmingly superior) but until I can get some better reviews, I'll stick with the Smashwords link.  Two fivers there as opposed to the 3-star at Amazon.  I'm still hoping and praying though.  Here's to more people liking the book!

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